Interview with Professor Dimitrios D. Vergados on "DIGITAL" TV Show by NAFTEMPORIKI Television

On Sunday, June 30, 2024 Professor Dimitrios Vergados, UNESCO Chair Holder of UNESCO Chair "Creative Cities in Motion: Urban Sustainable Mobility and Utilization of Cultural Resources" (#UNESCO_CCiM)  and Director of the Postgraduate Program "Digital Culture Smart Cities IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies" at the University of Piraeus , was featured on the "DIGITAL" TV show by "NAFTEMPORIKI" Television. The program, hosted by Efthymios Cheimaras and Angelos Tsatsaronis, provided an enlightening discussion on the future of sustainable cities.
During the show, Professor Vergados, shared his insights on the transformative power of digital technology in sustainable urban environments. He emphasized that the primary goal should be to create sustainable cities, rather than merely smart cities.  Sustainable cities must be designed with a human-centered approach, leveraging technology as a tool for this transformation. For this reason, the United Nations' established in 2015, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  which aim to create human-centered cities using technology. Key goals mentioned included SDG 11 for smart and sustainable cities, SDG 4 for quality education, SDG 9 for industry, innovation, and infrastructure, and SDG 13 for climate change. To achieve all these goals, it is crucial to make our cities sustainable professor stated.
At the end, Professor Vergados emphasized the critical importance of fostering new mindsets and educating younger generations in response to growing urbanization. He noted that these younger generations will play a pivotal role in the transition to sustainable urban environments.

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01 Jul 2024


"Digital Culture, Smart Cities, Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced Digital Technologies and Services Lab" Department of Informatics University of Piraeus 80, Karaoli & Dimitriou St. GR-185 34, Piraeus, Greece
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